Creating business contacts
Finding business contacts
Removing business contacts
Suggestions for using the Contact Log

In addition to being a superior accounting system, MYOB AccountEdge can be an effective business management tool. Using the Contact Log, you can maintain a comprehensive list of business contactsówhich include sales, purchases, phone calls, mailings and so onófor every person and company that exists in your Card File.

Use your business contacts and the Contact Log as your business ìdiary.î When a customer or vendor calls, you can use the Contact Log as a tool to document a complete history of your business relationship with that contact.

Creating business contacts

You can create entries in your Contact Log manually, or you can set up AccountEdge so entries are made automatically when you perform specific tasks in the program.

The only prerequisite for either method is that a card exists for the person or company for whom you want to make a business contactóand even if a card doesnít exist, you can quickly add one to your records while youíre in the process of making the business contact.

To create business contacts for common contact events, such as meetings or telephone calls, youíll need to manually enter those business contacts. To do this, use the Contact Log Entry window.

To create a business contact for each sale, purchase, check or deposit you record, you can set up AccountEdge to create an entry in the Contact Log automatically. Youíll do this using the Preferences window.

Finding business contacts

After you record a business contact, you might want to review the record.

You can use the View Contact Log window to view a summary list of all contacts youíve made with a person or company in the Card File, regardless of whether those contacts have a recontact date assigned to them.

If youíve entered a recontact date in your business contacts, the To Do List will help you remember when itís time to get in touch with your business contacts again.

Click below for step-by-step procedures:

Suggestions for using the Contact Log

You can use the Contact Log to do much more than simply provide a list of business contacts youíve made. With a little imagination, your Contact Log can help you perform many important, time-saving tasks:

  • Create a computerized list of things to do using the Contact Log.
  • A company car can be a substantial business expense that you may be able to track for tax purposes. You can use the Contact Log to track your automobile usage.
  • If you want to keep a detailed description of your travel expenses, meetings and other events, the Contact Log may be a good place for you to start.

Click below for step-by-step procedures:

Removing business contacts

To remove entries youíve made in the Contact Log, youíll need to clear, or purge, your data file of business contacts.

You can purge your data file of business contacts at any time; we suggest that you make this procedure at least a monthly task, especially if you record many business contacts during the course of your business day.

Click below for the step-by-step procedure:

Business Contacts Overview